

Page history last edited by Smiley 12 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to the VU93 Profiles Workspace



Hello everyone.

I created this workspace to compile all the work we did on our VU93 Legends project. Beyond this page is going to be listed all the profiles we did for the project and all the material used to write them. Now, nothing is finished yet, there is still a few profiles to be written and shadowcomments to be posted. Also, it's going to take some time for me to get everything on here, patience is appreciated. I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the project, the players who took the time to send me information on their characters and the writers for taking the time to write on these same characters.


Credit and thanks (by their forum names):



Chrona, Wolfboy, Kylen, Shrike, All4BigGuns and Kontact


Writers (also players):

Canray, Mirikon, Keita, FastJack and The Wyrm Ouroboros


And finally Bull for letting us use VU93 as a platform for the project.




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